
The first journal was issued in 1953. Six numbers per volume are published annually. The journal contains the following sections: papers on engineering education, Editorials, case study, review of advanced technologies, technical education in companies, round table discussion, news, voices from the readers. The articles are reviewed.
The electronic files of past papers and Editorials are available on Web (J-stage).

Annual Conference

An annual conference is normally held in summer with 600 to 700 participants. The results of projects of the year are reported, panel discussions and visits are planned, in addition distinguished keynote speakers present speeches on stimulating topics.
JSEE has started to hold the International Sessions since 2006 during the annual conference.
The electronic files of past annual conference proceedings are available on Web (J-stage).

Investigation and Research

Themes in engineering education are selected and studied by forming special ad hoc committees. JSEE has been holding workshops on the themes such as Ethics, Communication, and Engineering Design. The interest group of each area has been formed and sharing the ideas.

Supply of Information on Engineering Education

Through its journals and annual conferences, JSEE publishes the news ofJapanese universities, the subjects taught in their faculties of engineering,the resources of technical manpower, and other reference materials.

Engineering Education Awards

JSEE presents Engineering Education Awards for the work which is recognized as a great contribution in the field of engineering education in higher education. For particularly superior contribution, JSEE applies for the Award of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for the work.

International Relationship

JSEE has been a member of ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education) since 1963. In 1973 JSEE joined AEESEA (now AEESEAP-Association for Engineering Education in Southeast and East Asia and the Pacific) as a voting member. JSEE was the Headquarter of AEESEA from 1985 to 1988, and was that of AEESEAP for 2012-2014. JSEE was a member of IACEE (International Association for Continuing Engineering Education) from 1989 to 2009. Since 2009 JSEE has been a member society of IFEES (International Federation of Engineering Education Societies).

Professional Engineering Educator Certification

Since 2005 JSEE has started the point-system to certify the educators for their educational skills in engineering. The certification encourages the people in engineering education to aim further improvement in teaching and ensures the quality of education.

A role in the accreditation for engineering education

JSEE also takes part in the accreditation process of JABEE (Japan Accreditation Board for Engineering Education) as an organization to examine the Field of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering.

Joint Conference on Engineering Education

Members from 22 major societies in engineering work together and implement symposiums on various issues in engineering education.

Activities of member corporations

JSEE offers the opportunities for information exchange to discuss on the in-house training by visiting other member corporations